Want To Find Out How Traders WIN Prop Fund Challenges to Get Funded Accounts?
In this workshop, we’ll look at the step-by-step Strategies used by Successful Prop Firm Traders
Navigating Trading Fund Challenges can be…. well… Challenging!
Terms, Conditions, Limitations and Tripwires can make it really difficult to pass the challenge and get offered an account.
Then, what do you do after you win the challenge? How do you maximise your returns and keep the money coming in?
In under 90 minutes, we’ll answer your burning questions such as…
◊ How do I find a suitable Prop Fund Challenge?
◊ What do I need to do to prepare for the Challenge?
◊ How do I deal with Mindset and Risk Management to Keep on Track?
◊ What Strategies Help The Most People Succeed?
Want to learn more?
If you’re ready to understand what it takes to Succeed in a Prop Fund Challenge then book yourself a seat at this EXCLUSIVE ZOOM EVENT.