There are many reasons why Forex may be a good option for many of those looking to trade.
Forex traders can trade Forex in their spare time – The Forex market is open 24 hours a day 5 days a week.
It is the most liquid market on the planet – traders are generally able to enter and exit trades quickly to take advantage of regular price fluctuations.
Forex has the most money traded in it – around $7.3 Trillion US per day – most of which is by large institutions, such as banks, hedge funds and fund managers – if there was no money to be made, would these profit-focused organisations be doing it?
If traders approach trading as the business it is, and apply proven profit making strategies, with a level head, they can create a consistent income on the forex market.
Our Coach has been helping traders create financial freedom for more than 15 years. But this does not mean that the methods, strategies will help everyone build a consistent income from trading – there are many factors to consider.
Trading leveraged investments, such as forex, is not for everyone – your losses are leveraged, as well as your profits! If you have any concerns, you should seek the advice of a qualified financial advisor, so that your personal circumstances can be considered before undertaking any form of leveraged investing.
Trading profitably is NOT a Get Rich Quick Scheme… Like any new enterprise, it takes time and effort to develop the skills and structures to trade profitably.
Be realistic in your expectations about the time and effort required to be profitable.
The LIFT Investor Trader 4 Step Program has been developed to guide new and experienced Traders to develop the skills, experience and mindset it takes to be in the best position to build a consistent profit from Trading in the most achievable time frame.
Many LIFT Investor Traders are regularly achieving consistently profitable live trades within 2 to 3 months of starting this program, either using our LIFT Method, or their own method. Some take shorter and others longer, depending on the their effort and willingness to be coached by our experienced coaches.
As an example, Australian-based Traders generally start with 30:1 Leverage, as mandated by ASIC. The returns at this leverage level are very modest. Developing Consistent Profit-Producing Trades, understanding the concept of advanced leverage and meeting certain financial requirements may qualify traders for Pro Trader and access to up to 500:1 leverage. It is at these levels where a lifestyle income are possible.
LIFT has been developed to help traders to develop the knowledge and skills to generate results compatible with qualification for Pro Trader to access these higher leverage opportunities.
An investment of money and time is generally required to start any profit-focused business.
Education and business development is the most important investment.
Learning from people who have a track record of helping people achieve profits from trading, will help develop the skills needed to succeed, whilst avoiding the pitfalls of making costly mistakes, such as losing large amounts of money on unproven methods or dealing with self-sabotaging limiting beliefs.
In LIFT our Trading Coaches will help members develop to skills necessary to produce a consistent return through the use of demo accounts, and staged progress into live and compounding, as you achieve consistently positive returns.
The first live trade most traders place will be 1 mini contract and we have helped Traders build large incomes from just that one investment.
Following a proven plan, accepting coaching from those who have helped others achieve success and treating Trading like the business it is, will help members achieve the best return on their investment.
That’s a great question… and the Great News is that the answer is completely in Your hands.
The Trading Coach International is committed to providing our members with the most comprehensive education and tools our members need to make consistent growing profits from Forex Trading.
It is up to the individual Trader as to whether they will follow the coaching to achieve their results.
Patience, consistency, the willingness to accept coaching and the commitment to achieving their financial goals are the keys to success in a Trading Business Venture, not a person’s background.
People in our LIFT Investor Trader 4 Step Program who are achieving success on a daily basis have diverse backgrounds – from takeaway shop workers to lawyers, chiropractors to truck drivers, builders, nurses, at home parents, nurses, professional traders, real estate agents, engineers and students… the list goes on.
Our coach will support members and help them develop the skills to be the best trader that They can be, taking into account their learning style, strengths and goals.
Be aware that the market will change and sometimes strategies that worked for one period of time may not be as effective in other times.
Nobody can guarantee results in trading. If you have concerns about the potential to lose money, you should consider other investment options that align with your risk profile.
A basic ability to use a computer is needed to be able to open and read the trading charts and place trades.
Generally, if someone is able to receive and answer emails, surf the web and do the basics, they should be fine.
Our coaches are very skilled at helping members get up and running and they can even help members install and set up charts.
Our Traders usually trade around the major Market Open and Close Times and learn to Take Profit when the Market gives it, then once they’ve made their money, they can enjoy their life with their family, friends and following their passion.
Traders may find on some days the market conditions don’t suit their trading method and it wouldn’t be productive to trade during that time.
Always seek professional advice from a registered Tax Agent.
Generally, any income that someone makes in Australia; other than from a hobby, is considered income for Income Tax purposes.
Traders should discuss this with their accountant – if they are running a trading business – as all of our LIFT Investor Traders do, they declare all the income and claim all the deductions for expenses for that trading business – including the cost of membership in the LIFT Investor Trader Program and other education and business expenses.
Always seek professional advice from a registered Tax Agent as to whether the income from trading forex is taxable in your country of residence
15 years as an Investor and Trader has shown me that there is no Reward without Risk, but Risk can be Balanced so that you can achieve the best return for the Level of Risk that suits you.
The LIFT Investor Trader 4 Step Program teaches how Profitable Traders Effectively BALANCE Risk and Reward to Protect Their Capital, whilst Maximising Their Profit.
Education and Mindset are the Strongest Risk Management Structures for Trading Success; but having a High Probability Trading Method that is proven effective and that has Strong Stop Loss Rules, is also very important.
There are several Active and Passive Risk Management measures that are built into the LIFT Investor Trader Program and the LIFT Trading Method. We would love to explain more about them in our Strategy Call.
Please be aware that the strongest long term approach to Risk Management is to focus on Capital Preservation as your first goal. It is far better to not take a low probability trade and save money than take a low probability trade and potentially risk losing money.
No Trader is 100% perfect. There is no such thing as a 100% Profitable Trading Method.
Negative Trades are actually necessary if you want to improve your skills. The goal is to learn from any mistakes you make and every negative trades you make.
To have a REALISTIC approach to trading, traders must expect to have some negative trades.
In the LIFT Investor Trader Program, we guide our Traders through each negative trade and one of our most reinforced Coaching Rules is:
“If you make 2 negative trades in a row, you contact your coach and ask them to review those trades to see if you missed anything BEFORE you take the next trade”
By starting a trading business in a Demo account, following a proven method, like the LIFT Trading Method and asking for coaching when they have negative trades, they are LEARNING before they Lose real money.
To progress from Step 2 – Demo Trading to Sep 3 Live Trading (on 1 Mini Contract) in the LIFT Investor Trader Program, you MUST have completed approximately 20 Demo Trades with at least 70% positive results.
Then Before our traders compound profits or consider increasing their investment size, they MUST have completed approximately 20 Live 1 Mini Contract Trades with at least 70% positive results.
Plan to Use Negative Trades to Grow Profits!
If you have concerns about the potential to lose money, you should consider other investment options that align with your risk profile.
Using a legitimate, registered and an Approved Broker in your country of residence is our first suggestion.
Our Trading Method does use a non-standard indicator and specific time frame charts. Some of our Traders use Metatrader MT4 platform, but many of our traders using our LIFT Method use the Think Trader platform.
The broker Think Markets has these charts available exclusively to their clients.
The Trading Coach International has negotiated favourable terms including a dedicated client manager.
Ultimately, it is your choice and you should always choose the Broker with the service and support that best suits your personal needs.
The Trading Coach International may receive a referral fee for those people who click on the affiliate link on our website, but LIFT members are not required to use Think Markets, nor are members required to click on the affiliate link to register their account.
We do not receive ongoing commissions from any broker and fully support traders choosing the broker that they feel best suit their individual needs.
Another Great Question, and one which I am asked All The Time!
Some people think that all Traders are self absorbed and greedy. That’s a stereotype and definitely not always true. Sure, some Traders are, just like some people in any other profession.
Also, that presupposes that you can only do one OR the other – this is often a limiting belief. As professional traders and coaches, we want to show people that you can have everything that you want and are willing to work for.
Personally, we have “selfless” and “selfish” reasons for teaching people how to trade… It’s true that Trading can be lonely and isolating for most new traders. When we first started trading 15 years ago, we had no support, coach or community to turn to when things went “pear-shaped”.
As we started achieving profit, we started sharing ideas and strategies with traders hat we would meet and see the benefits they achieved from the coaching and support.
We believe that Trading is a great income opportunity for so many people, that not sharing it would be selfish and we have an obligation to share what we know. The membership fee is cost of entry to demonstrate commitment by the member to learn, but also supports the growth of the program so that we can reach more people.
Also, our Coaches find that, when you coach someone, you really need to know your Trading Strategy inside out and it encourages us to take our knowledge to the next level.
Also, over the years we’ve found that there are some selfish people out there who promise the world to new traders, but fail to deliver. We wanted to give people a REAL SOLUTION to creating a growing Profit From Trading.
The selfish reasons? Well, we love working with people and that is a reward… Also the more people who use a trading method and the more money that goes into the Market using a particular strategy, the stronger that strategy becomes and the more predictable and profitable the trades… More Traders trading successfully using the same Methods we do equals More Profit for all of the Traders who use it!
We actively recommend that all investors use their skills and knowledge to develop multiple income streams. We also follow this ourselves. The Trading Coach is a profitable business because we put our time effort and energy into it and invest the majority of the profits back into developing the programs we offer. It’s a great way to generate funds to grow our business income without having to dip into our trading profits.
The Trading Coach International is a registered Pty. Ltd. Company and as such is a separate legal entity to its shareholders and directors. Our team members’ personal income has no relevance to the operation of this company nor the services we provide.
There are several trading courses available to new and existing Traders. All of which have their own unique selling points.
Instead of comparing ourselves with others, we prefer to focus on why we offer the program and support that we do:
We are fully focused on YOUR SUCCESS as a Profitable Trader. Our Program is built on this focus. We don’t offer hobby courses or “Get Rich Quick” promises.
We approach Trading as a business and educate and coach our Traders in what we consider is important to make Consistent Profit From Trading – not just the technical analysis of charts, but also:
- Risk Management,
- Developing a Profitable Investor Trader Mindset,
- Trading Business Management,
- Money Management and
- Time Management.
It’s one thing to learn to trade, but Making a Consistently Growing Profit from Trading is Our Focus.
Use of our Proprietary LIFT Trading Method is included in Your Membership – Some LIFT Traders are consistently achieving returns of 20 pips + profit per month and 80% positive trades.
The use of our trading method is a personal choice and there is no ongoing cost to use the LIFT Trading Method for our Traders. You do not need to use our method to participate in this program.
Our Coaches are all Experienced Forex Traders, but above this, they are experienced and people-focused Coaches, who are trained and motivated to help you bring out Your Best Results.
Being a Great Trader is one thing, but You should want to Learn from an effective Trading Coach who can also Understand, Guide and Support You as You Start and Grow Your Trading Income.
The LIFT Trader 4 Step Program includes Self-Paced Online Training Videos, Handbooks, One on One Coaching, and proven Strategies, Tools and Techniques, that members can choose to use, based upon their personal learning style and strengths.
Ultimately, the prospective LIFT Member needs to take the time and review the data of all options to make a decision about what opportunity they wish to follow to build their trading skills.
Do not commit to any program unless you fully accept its benefits and limitations and can commit to it 100% and can accept the risks associated with it. There are no guarantees of income and no refunds for change of mind.
We have a 4 Step Process where New LIFT Traders are guided through establishing their Trading Business, Learning candlestick patterns, trends, indicators and the provided (but not madatory) LIFT Trading Method, Practicing in a simulate environment, proving they can trade profitably, then trading live with the view to making profit.
Normally this is at least a 2 to 3 month process. It’s not about rushing into live trading. The best approach, we’ve found, is to focus on consistency, then profit will follow.
Traders are support throughout the whole process, guided to see areas to improve and worked with to develop strategies to achieve consistent success.
As mentioned before, Your Commitment to Achieving Your Goals will Determine Your Success. We are here to educate, support and coach you through the process.
We’re committed to all of our Traders achieving their version of” Success”.
Some people join our Program to make a million dollars or create a financial legacy for their family and others just want to earn enough so that they don’t have to take a second job or so that they can afford to send their kids to a better school or to go on nicer holidays.
By sitting down with our Traders as they start their Trading Business and getting to know their core values, their goals and what inspires and motivates them, we, as coaches, are better able to help develop trading plans, action plans and guide our members to achieve their goals.
Every LIFT Trader is different and one of our strengths is that we take an individual approach with each of our Traders.
We don’t tell you what “Successful” is – you tell us what Success is To You. We will make suggestions about what we have foudn to be realistic and what may require additional education or strategies not covered in our program.
Sometimes Traders have life get in the way – illness, change in job, new opportunities come up… Our Traders know that we are there to support them at all steps of the way to their goals.
We suggest that all potential LIFT members carefully consider their options and only move forward with membership if they believe this program is suitable.
We always suggest trading the Major Currency Pairs, as they have the largest traded daily range and tend to move more predictably.
Having said this, the LIFT Trading Method and other Profitable Methods used by LIFT Memebrs have been used by traders to trade other non-major currency pairs.
As with any business decision, the trader is always responsible for their decisions, including the currency pairs they choose to trade.
Always consider your personal circumstances before making any investment decision.
Most of the people we work with are very busy people.
If you’re not available to attend one of our live events or webinars, we can arrange for one of our Trading Business Specialists to call you and discuss our program and whether it may be a good fit for you and the goals that you want to achieve.
Please visit our Contact Us Page to let us know that you want a Specialist to contact you.
Unfortunately, we don’t have an internal payment plan available, due to several factors. The nature of our industry, the level of risk and the regulatory and compliance requirements, as well as the cost to maintain make it challenging to offer extended payment terms internally.
Also, offering terms with fees or interest to recoup additional costs could require an Australian Credit Licence and we don’t have the volume of business that would justify taking that step.
The LIFT Investment is significant because we commit to providing you the full one on one and group support you need to make this business profitable in as little as 12 months, to not only recover your initial investment, but to also establish a good trading income in that time.
We suggest that if someone is looking to start any type of business (and for us, trading is a business), they should have enough financial resources to support them getting started on the best foot.
Taking up trading and investing will always require a cost of entry:
One way you can pay this cost is up front in securing the services of a trading coach and program to help you build a strong foundation of risk management, trade management, business management and money management to ensure you build profitability in your trading business as early as possible for the least cost in lost time and financial resources as possible.
Alternatively on the other side where you may lose a significant amount of money and time in losses whilst you are trying to get your trading business profitable.
Having been in the industry as a trader for 16 years and a coach for more than 12, I’ve seen many people spend a LOT more in lost time and lost money making mistakes they could have avoided if they had just invested in the education and support up front.
Neither is “better” or “worse” than the other, because you should always make informed decisions about what will work best for you, given your personal circumstances.
Starting a business on debt is a bold move and there should be a good reason functionally for the debt – e.g. that the debt is likely to be recovered within the first 12 months of the business…
Some of our LIFT Investor Traders have taken out personal finance (low interest credit cards usually with a long interest-free period) to fund their investment in LIFT, because it suited their own personal circumstances.
Becoming an Investor or a Forex Trader is not for everyone. It takes a time, money and effort commitment to achieve profit from trading.
We suggest that you seriously consider whether trading is a valid option for you, based upon your personal circumstances before joining this or any other investing or trading program, course or opening a trading account.
Seek indpendent financial advice before you take any action.
Under Australian Consumer Law, as this program is fulfilled with the receipt of your training materials and your access to coaching and education workshops, we are unable to offer a refund if you change your mind or decide this process “is not for you” at a later stage.
Once we have received your application form and membership funds, we offer a cooling off period of 48 hours, during which you can request cancellation of your application and receive a refund of the full amount of your fee, less a $500 handling fee.
We cannot stress this enough… If you have ANY concerns about the suitability of this program, please DO NOT lodge an application.
First, we’d like to congratulate you for making the decision to become a profitable trader and for considering us to help you develop the skills and business to do this.
We understand that The LIFT Investor and LIFT Trader Programs may not be the right fit for everyone and everyone isn’t the right fit for the Program.
To ensure that our coaching is focused on YOUR SUCCESS, we only accept a maximum of 50 new LIFT Pro Members each year across Australia. Our acceptance process has been designed so that we are working with the most motivated Investors and Traders.
We would like to speak with you one on one before you make the decision, so that you understand the Program and can see if it’s the best option for you and also to ensure that we are confident that we can help you achieve your goals.