Suitability of Forex Trading
Should I trade Forex?
I have never traded before. How quickly can I make money?
Do I have to invest a lot of money to learn?
Can I succeed as a Trader?
Do I have to be some sort of Computer Genius to Trade?
Do I have to watch the charts all day or can I make money in short timeframes?
Do I need to Pay Tax on Money I make as a Trader?
Risk Management
I have heard that you teach strong Risk Management Strategies. Could you explain?
What if I get negative trades?
What broker or trading platform do I need to use?
About LIFT Investor Trader
If you can make money from trading, why do you teach others?
What makes LIFT Flex different from the others?
How long do New Traders take to learn your new system effectively?
What percentage of your Traders do not succeed and why do you think that is?
What pairs can I trade?
Do You Demonstrate Live Trades?
Getting Started in LIFT
Do You Offer Payment Terms for LIFT Investor Trader?
If I become a LIFT Investor or LIFT Trader and decide not to pursue trading, can I get a refund?
How do I become a LIFT Investor Trader?