Trading is full of jargon, acronyms, unique but similar indicators and concepts that most people don’t come across in their daily life.
Getting up to speed and understanding the unique terminology should be most Traders first goals. Without understanding the terms, how can you use them effectively?
The A to Z of Forex Trading is your all-in-one resource for the most common phrases, trading concepts, indicators and jargon.
Compiled by our Lead Trading Coach and written in plain English, please use this resource as a companion as you start your Trading Journey.

The people that use their laptop and the internet to make money from anywhere in the world, trading the markets online?
They don’t necessarily start with a lot of money, but they seem to make consistently good choices with their trades and investments: leveraging the profits they make today into bigger profits – seemingly with ease.
What strategies do they use to make money trading forex?
Earning more than $2K a week in just a few hours work in their spare time.
It’s not rocket science; they don’t use automated systems that just don’t work… The make conscious rational decisions about where to put their money, make a profit and move on to the next investment.
With the shift in the global economy in recent years, working from home is fast becoming a viable option for many people.
Learn the 5 Keys to Building a Lifestyle Income Trading Forex in our Free eBook.

Margin Calculator
To calculate lots, click on “Units” and click “Change to lots”
1 Mini Contract is 0.1 Lots & 1 Full Contract is 1.0 Lots
This tool is not intended to be relied upon as accurate information.
Please conduct thorough independent research before making any decisions.
Pip Value Calculator
To calculate the Pip Value in your currency, complete details in all fields.
This tool is not intended to be relied upon as accurate information.
Please conduct thorough independent research before making any decisions.
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